Happy Blogiversary to me!

Three years ago today I started blogging at On Being A Scientist and a Woman. I was a PhD student engrossed in field work and lab work and thinking about when to start a family. Fast forward three years and I am on the tenure-track with my own graduate students and I have a toddler. My how time flies!

The last year has seen big changes on this blog too. In September, I moved from Blogger to Scienceblogs, and while endeavoring keeping my old network of wonderful readers and commenters, I've gained a new family of Sciblings and hopefully brought my words to new audiences. An even bigger change was the addition of my wonderful co-blogger, Alice, who adds immeasurably to the richness of this blog, by bringing her own experiences and perspective to the table. I'm so happy to have found such a fabulous partner in blogging.

I don't have any plans for major changes to the blog in the next year, but then again I didn't anticipate the past changes either. So I guess you'll just have to stick around and see what develops.


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I love your blog! Keep up the good work!

As a long time reader (although not quite 3 years!) let me say, congrats! I love your blog and even if I don't often comment, I'm always appreciative of such interesting posts.

Congratulations, ScienceWoman!!! You can do it all - simply amazing.

And, of course, we love Alice too!

job well done


Wow! very interesting blog !!!!!

By alicia jimenez (not verified) on 22 Apr 2008 #permalink

Yay, congratulations, ScienceWoman! I'm so glad you invited me to join your blog - thanks for the honour, and for the great posts. Happy blogiversary!

Me too! Happy blogiversary!

By hypoglycemiagirl (not verified) on 22 Apr 2008 #permalink

I'm a little late here, but Happy Blogiversary!

By Writer Chica (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink