Alice the slug returns - time to restart.

Well, darn it. I'm back in Slug Pattern. I skipped yoga and watched TV this evening, and nothing good at that. I didn't work this afternoon, even though I have things to do. I didn't even clean up around the place. My husband drove back to the other house this afternoon after we spent 2.5 hours (and $1300, yikes!) at the travel agency for train tickets for our trip to/around Europe in a few weeks, and I lost the will to do anything. I ate garbage for dinner, and didn't do the dishes. I didn't even blog about Day 2 of our trip (only Day 2! augh!) and all it would have taken is copying out the darn journal! I suck.

However, when I realize that I have hit as far down as I care to go, I feel inspired to restart. I guess lots of us have these days, and maybe it's the singletons (or, effective singletons when our partners are in other states) with no kids who only have themselves to rely on/deal with who can also turn it around in a day. So I'm going to bed *now* (it's hard to go to bed really early when the sun doesn't set until almost 9:30) and get up at 6:30 and do yoga. And if I don't, I will have to 'fess up to you. And then I am going to prep for my meeting with my research group, and then review an article that I have to send my review in by June 11. And then, after my research group meeting, I will work on my first presentation for next week. I hope.

I need to get back to the plan, in other words.

Tune in tomorrow to see how I do. And maybe see a photo of our CSA haul, now that I've charged up the camera batteries.

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Ugh, I'm totally having days like this lately. I hate that feeling at the end of the day that you didn't accomplish anything you set out to do...
Hope we both get back on track soon