Slug Report

So I'm going to bed *now* (it's hard to go to bed really early when the sun doesn't set until almost 9:30) and get up at 6:30 and do yoga. And if I don't, I will have to 'fess up to you. And then I am going to prep for my meeting with my research group, and then review an article that I have to send my review in by June 11. And then, after my research group meeting, I will work on my first presentation for next week. I hope.

I need to get back to the plan, in other words.

Tune in tomorrow to see how I do. And maybe see a photo of our CSA haul, now that I've charged up the camera batteries.

So, how did I do?

Well, I got up at 7:00 rather than 6:30, and I did do yoga but only 20 minutes. But at least it was 20 minutes. And I can do more tomorrow. And I prepped for my research group meeting, but forgot that one student was going to come early, so I still wasn't quite ready, and I read part of the article on the walk in to work but not the whole thing. And I did work on my presentation, and then my second presentation.

And then I got a headache for the rest of the afternoon, so that wasn't great. One of those nausea-making migraines where the light hurts and sound hurts and so on. So the rest of the day wasn't great. But I did make a little progress on our fall seminar series, and I did blog about Isle Royale Day 2, and I did take a photo of our CSA share (lettuce and mesclun, chard, strawberries, radishes, asparagus, and mint) but now can't find my upload cord.

So it was a mixed day. But I can do better tomorrow. I think. :-)

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