Home. Whew.

I'm finally home from my two back-to-back conferences. I confess, somewhere in the middle of the 2nd conference, I just wanted to go home. But it was good to stick it out. Of course, the lack of Internets starting Friday morning through today wasn't great, but it means I have some session blogging still to do before I leave town again on Friday for my next conference trip. In the meantime, here are some photos of a few things that caught my fancy in Cincinnati.

The house looks okay, the plants haven't died, and I have my headache back. All in time for a busy day at work tomorrow. At least there is milk in the fridge for my tea, and I don't have too much to do this afternoon.

This was the weather that greeted me upon my return. I think mammatus clouds are completely fascinating...

One last thing - Page 3.14 has posted an interview with me. Yay! Go read it here.

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