The glamourous weekend of a mommy scientist

It's nearing ten p.m. on a Friday night. After putting my daughter to bed, I've washed the dishes, done the laundry, and boxed up some outgrown toys. Next I'm going to start writing up work plans for two independent studies I'm supervising this semester. Then I'm going to bed.

Tomorrow, I've got to take Minnow to the store and buy some diapers, wipes, milk, and chocolate. I'll take the dog for the first decent walk she's had all week. I'll supervise toddler playtime, mealtime, and bathtime. Hopefully during naptime, I'll get a chance to do battle with the invasive plant that's taking over our backyard. In the evening, it'll be time for more dishes, laundry, and a chance to scrub the toilets.

Sunday, I'd like to go check out a potential field site about 2.5 hours away, but the prospects of driving five hours with a toddler and coaxing her to stay in a backpack in between pretty much preclude that possibility. Instead, I'll end up supervising more playtime, mealtime, and bathtime. During naptime, I'll pay bills and try to do some yard work. After bedtime, I'll start working on Tuesday's lecture.

Damn, my life is glamourous. What are you up to this weekend?

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'bout the same. I also have my own cool sounding specialty that is actually work. Rather not have kids? Me neither.

By Craig Pennington (not verified) on 22 Aug 2008 #permalink

To be clear, if my kids ever come across the above, I mean that I love my children more than life itself and I expect that SW feels the same. Read the above as a (mild) chastisement for complaining about the work required of any parent.

By Craig Pennington (not verified) on 22 Aug 2008 #permalink

My week-end started today with playing on the beach and in the sea with my aunt, 12 year old sister and her friend. My week-end, however, will be full of preparation for two interview-type events this week (one informal about a post doc and one with a consulting firm). With hopefully a trip to the farmers market returning with vegetables to plan in my soon to be garden. I also predict laundry and helping my mom with chores, since she is still recovering from her back surgery.

Not much more glamorous than your, just different.

Well, the older the kids get the *more* glamorous life becomes. Why are they doing soccer team pictures at 7:30 am on a Saturday? The rules seem to be different now that we are in high school (no I am not that kind of parent, I am not in HS). Oh and that is "followed" by another trip to the HS for an athletic parents meeting later on, but soccer practice is over before that. Ride your bike, yount Meanwhile to fit in an hour in the lab to feed the guppies and to see how badly neglected they have become, grocery shopping, etc. Any time for house decluttering? Ha! How about allowing time for a panicked realization that I am not ready for the first week of school (mine, my kids', my husband's) after all? For me that first week begins tomorrow, Sunday, when my first-year students show up for their "first class" and a schmooze session with their parents. Impending sandwich-generation issues are beyond the scope of this reply...

By guppygeek (not verified) on 23 Aug 2008 #permalink

My daughter is BIG now (almost 9), so her playtime doesn't require (much) supervision these days. I need to finish a syllabus and prepare for that first class meeting (my other class is ready). We will likely make a trip to Costco and maybe Trader Joe's and have lunch out. I'll also need to stock up on school lunch supplies and remember what exciting things I used to put in her lunches! Oh yeah- laundry will be thrown in there, too. The house is already pretty clean since we had a showing last Monday... That's how our weekends usually go! Very glamorous, indeed!

If you turn the field trip reckon into a family outing, then minnow and fish can run around in the woods while you duck off and check out the science...