Thursday Baby Blogging 102909

SteelyKid is 1000000 weeks old (in binary). To celebrate, she engages in some Thursday Night Bison Wrasslin':


Atomic elbow drop! Boom!

Don't worry, it's a friendly bout. Appa's very cuddly, and a good place to relax with a drink:


And while I said we wouldn't engage in this sort of thing, below the fold is a picture of SteelyKid in the tub:


What? You didn't seriously think I'd be crass enough to take naked bath-time photos, did you? To say nothing of posting them on the Internet... Sheesh.

(The baby tub is normally stored under her crib, and she's decided it's fun to drag it out and play with it, from time to time. It was, in fact, a bath night tonight, and as soon as Kate started running water in the big tub, SteelyKid ran right into the nursery, and picked up the tub to bring it into the bathroom. She's a very helpful baby.)

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