11 o'clock is the witching hour

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgIt's late. I've been working on this piece of writing all evening, and I've got one more meaty sentence to finish. But I feel like Cinderella over-staying her curfew at the ball, because every time I try to write that last sentence, it turns into a pumpkin.

"A comparison of A & B would be interesting."

Interesting? Yes, I'd find it completely fascinating and I'd love to do the work. But a hanging "interesting" is hardly going to move the reviewers, so I know I need to come up with a more compelling argument for the work. But all I can muster is:

"A comparison of A & B would be interesting, for f**k's sake. Eleventy!!!1!!!!1!"

I think Robert Boice's AFNFM advice to "stop" might actually have some validity. And I think I need to lessen my reading of Comrade PhysioProf as a procrastination measure.

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My brain often kidnaps whole paragraphs and demands a ransom of a nice hot shower. It's a really good thing my landlord pays the water bill.

"A comparison of A & B would"

would what? constrain variable X? Solve problem Y? Open up field Z for further discussion?

It has to be interesting for a reason.

Maybe you just need a break/bath/walk/good night's sleep?
I think this is a time when you should follow Boice.

Good luck!