InaDWriMo Day 1: Not so good

InaDWriMo did not get off to a good start. I had spent 3 hours working on my proposal on Friday afternoon. Before leaving for the weekend, I carefully backed it up into multiple places AND emailed the co-PI with the almost-complete draft. This afternoon, I opened up the file to fill in some of the remaining holes and made a maddening discovery. Somehow, I only had a pre-Friday draft. In multiple places. Including the co-PI's email box. All that work, down the tube. It's taken me all my stolen moments of work time today to get back to where I was at the end of yesterday. And now I don't like the abstract as much. I remember being quite pleased with Friday's abstract.

So InaDWriMo Day 1: Net gain = two sentences + one figure caption. May tomorrow go better.

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I'm sorry SW. This happens to me too sometimes. You never know when software/hardware eats up your work. Ugh! I'm actively writing right now. Hubby took the kids shopping. Yeah! Double yeah, because the kids are out of the house, and the shopping gets done. And when they come home, they'll lunch and go down for 2-hour naps. I guess I'd better get back to it. Good luck catching back up.

I've learned the hard way that double checking the date and time on a file is time well spent. The GIS software I use for work has very poor file management assistance, so it has been a rough learning curve to find out that one of hundreds of files has been moved or altered or otherwise inappropriately tweaked.
Good luck with the next version.