... because I wear better shoes.

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgDr. Isis has issued quite the challenge with her prompt for the December Scientiae. I knew exactly how I wanted to respond.

My science is hotter than Dr. Isis's Naughty Monkeys, because I wear better shoes [when I do my science]. To demonstrate, I present a sampling of actual shoes I have worn while collecting my hot, hot science data.
Shoes for hot science
The field assistant is bonus. She doesn't wear shoes...although we tried once with a pair of these. They lasted all of about 4 minutes in the field. The Princess Pup prefers to do her science in the buff.

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Definitely better shoes! And they look rather familiar too... I would add a pair of thermally lined wellingtons with steel toecaps myself.

Ha ha! That was partly my argument, the shoes part! I especially like your snowshoes - I haven't had to use mine very much in the field, thankfully, just for busman-type recreation.

I once tried putting muttluks on my dog. It was good for humor content at her expense. She proceeded to walk around raising her feet to an exaggerated height with every step as if she had flippers on all four paws, the whole time maintaining a disconsolate look that said "Why are you abusing me like this?" Needless to say, I haven't used them since. But it was very funny.

Great post! Your shoes are more my style (though I would like to wear more Isis-style shoes, I'm working on a good mix of the two!)

I ⥠snowshoes!!! That's totally a hot collection of shoes (though some pretty conference shoes would make a nice addition).

I wish I got to wear snowshoes for my science (other than trudging to the lab in a snowstorm).

Wonderful post! This carnival has been a lot of fun :) I can't wait until Isis pulls it all together in true Isis fashion.

Doing science in the buff is the best way to do it....

How about identifying field clothing suitable for women in the "brush"? I would start with Carhartt women's work pants, jackets and thermal underwear,then add Red Ants pants which I just heard about. REI, Mountain Hardware, etc. make great outdoor clothing-- of course, the really good stuff is for guys!