Thought for the evening

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgAs I sit here, sending comments to a colleague on his slides, trying to figure out what we're teaching for class on Wednesday, uploading TA slides to Blackboard (BBTBOME=BlackBoard, The Bane Of My Existence), with 16 flagged emails in my "highest priority" smart mailbox, 50 pages yet to read in reading the dissertation proposal I'm supposed to attend the defense of tomorrow, and 3 pages yet to write in the grant proposal summary I said I would send to colleagues last weekend, I am reminded by a maxim I read somewhere on Teh Interwebz (Merlin Mann?) that I have written on a small index card and posted on the ledge next to my desk:

Think in shovelfuls, not in teaspoonfuls.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

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Ugh. That's one mountain of stuff you've got to work through Alice! I hope things get better soon (any chance you have a reading week/spring break coming up soon to help bail out?)

I don't know anyone, student or faculty, who likes Blackboard. Why is it so hard for universities to find robust ways to distribute soft copies of a variety of things?

By random student (not verified) on 17 Feb 2009 #permalink