Carnival Barking: Diversity in Science is up and Scientiae reminder

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgHear ye, hear ye. The first-ever and best-ever edition of the Diversity in Science Carnival has been posted.Read all about it at DNLee's Urban Science Adventures! There's some really fabulous stuff there and I can't wait to read those that I missed when they were first posted.

While you're being inspired by all of the great DiS posts, channel some of that inspiration towards this month's Scientiae call for posts. Liberal Arts Lady has asked us: "Who inspires you or motivates you? Who would you call your role models, at any stage of your career?" Posts should be submitted to scientiaecarnival (at) gmail (dot) com by midnight on Saturday, February 28th.

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