It's that time of the year again when folks may be thinking about graduate school opportunities, and what with the current economic climate, maybe more than possible. If you'd be interested in finding more out about what a PhD in engineering education might entail, my school is having an open house at the end of March, and it would be great if you came. More information below the fold.
On behalf of the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, I invite you to attend our open house for prospective PhD students on March 26 and 27.
Our doctoral program, the first of its kind in the U.S., is the premier academic program for exploring how engineering is best learned, taught, and practiced. We emphasize rigorous research in preparing graduates for careers in academia, government, the nonprofit sector, and industry, and we actively seek students from diverse perspectives and backgrounds to contribute to our community of scholars. We're committed to developing a research base for guiding engineering education practice, developing curricula, assessing how students learn, and moving those findings into the classroom of tomorrow's engineers.
The ultimate goal? To educate engineering leaders who can respond creatively and responsibly to 21st-century challenges.
If that sounds like an intellectual endeavor you'd like to take part in, we welcome your interest in our doctoral program. You can find details and updates on our open house at Further information on the PhD program at our web site: .
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