Welcome Christina and John, bringers of Information Science to Sb

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgIn the past few weeks, Scienceblogs has quietly debuted two fantastic new bloggers and a new channel (off the main page) related to information and library science, including open access and open science; digital and print publishing; information property and ownership, and more.

Christina Pikas is a science and engineering librarian and a doctoral student, and she blogs at Christina's LIS Rant. Lately she's been doing a fantastic job of blogging and tweeting the Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting.

John Dupuis is the head science librarian at York University. He blogs at Confessions of a Science Librarian, and he's been blogging about the future of libraries, among many other fascinating things.

Take a moment, stop by their blogs, and I guarantee you'll be sold on the power of library and information science. What a great addition to the Sb family!

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