It looks like everyone has a new angle on the recent Nature science blog rankings. Now, my blogging platform, Movable Type, is claiming its own bragging rights, noting that 30 of the 50 top science blogs are "powered" by Movable Type. (I guess Movable Type's idea of empowerment is making you deal with so many commenting/posting problems that your entire site basically grinds to a halt over the course of a weekend....) When you consider the fact that 22 of those 30 use Movable Type because they blog on the site, this fact becomes a little less impressive. To be fair, using Movable Type has been for the most part a positive experience--and it's been a hell of a lot better than Blogger. However, I've been less than impressed with the problems we've been facing lately, making the title of the Movable Type piece ("Scientific Proof: Scientists Love Blogging with Movable Type") seem a little over the top, to say the least.
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Have a nice trip!
Love is a strong word. MK is fine, it mostly works, it's better than Blogger, but I can't say I "love" it.
Blame your problems on the uber-high profile that Seed has given you guys. more visits = better opportunity for spammers. Also keep in mind that the spammers are always one step ahead in the arms race.