The Horror, the Horror...

...of not having internet access!

So, it turns out that the internet is pretty fundamental to this whole blogging endeavor. Who would have thought?

I don't have internet access in my "new" house yet, and I probably won't have any for another couple of weeks, so please bear with me. I'm finding time to squeeze in some posts now and then when I'm in the lab, but the current situation is slowing me down a bit.

In addition, I have my transfer viva this Thursday. A transfer viva is where, at the end of my first year, a couple of assessors from my department will determine whether I'm cut out for this Ph.D. thing I have my sights set on. It might be kind of important, so I'll be concentrating on that for the next couple of days as well.

Wish me luck!

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Good luck! Hopefully you're not too worried, if my experience in Southampton was anything to go by the transfer process is little more than a glorified hoop-jumping exercise.

Good luck 'Candidate Anthis',
you write a mighty good blog, but passing quals (transfer viva) is also a noble cause. gitta movin'!

Well I'm an official Oxford D.Phil. student now. The transfer viva went over without a hitch, although it was really really incredibly long: two and a half hours. Hell, I should get a Ph.D. for that....