Living Abroad? Vote in the 2008 Global Presidential Primary

The Democratic Party is doing the very cool thing this year of giving Americans living abroad their own delegation to the 2008 Democratic Convention. This means that anyone currently living outside of the US can vote in the Democratic Presidential Primary for their own 11 delegates. Voting will take place online from February 5-12 and in person on some of those dates at a variety of locations. To be able to vote online, you just need to register (for free!) with Democrats Abroad by January 31st. Even better, though, to vote in person you just need to show up with your passport. You don't even need to have previously registered to vote in the US (although you will, of course, have to register officially before you can vote in the November election).

For my colleagues in Oxford, here's what will be going on locally for the Global Primary (courtesy of Dan Weeks):

(1) Register to vote on Tuesday Jan. 29th from 8-10pm at the Turf Tavern, or online at (deadline 1/31 for online voting).

(2) Turn out at the Oxford Presidential Caucus on Super Tuesday Feb. 5th at 8pm at the Oxford Union to caucus and vote online. Enjoy campaign speeches, caucusing, food/drink, and a Super Tuesday election returns party into the early morning as most of America goes to the polls to choose the nominees. Voters and non-voters alike are welcome!

(3) Alternatively, you can vote in person at Oxford's Rothermere American Institute on Wednesday, Feb. 6th from 1-5:30pm. Bring your passport; no advance registration is required.

For more information see the attached term card or contact Oxford Democrats Abroad

Personally, I'll be voting in the Global Primary, mostly because I'll be able to vote a month before I otherwise would have been able to in Texas. Also, I'll be voting with a population that I likely share more common interests with (and I'll be voting for a delegation that I expect to come out strongly in favor of Barack Obama). Regardless, many Americans living abroad will have good reason this year to believe that our votes could really make an impact.

So, kudos to the Democratic Party for a great idea!

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