If you've got a great idea, and you like money, here's your chance to win:
Carbon14, (www.c14time.com), a new outdoor and active lifestyle brand, is celebrating the launch of its three new lines of watches--AIR, WATER, and EARTH--by hosting a competition that will award $50,000 to one deserving contestant selected by the public! Whether you're developing solar technology, working to promote animal rights, or developing a product designed to positively impact the environment, you are eligible to win this competition!
Nominations and submissions will be accepted until February 28th, 2010. Public voting will determine the top twenty entries, and a panel of celebrity judges will select five finalists. Then the public will vote again to determine the overall winner by Earth Day! So put your thinking caps on for environmental causes, and visit www.c14time.com to find out more.
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Off topic:
I wish to recommendation a blogger whom I'd like to see at Science Blogs.
Athena Andreadis does science, writes science fiction and blogs about the intersection of the two (amongst many other things) at starshipnivan.com. Please check her out and consider recruiting her to write for SB. Her voice will enrich the discussions here in new and significant ways.