From the office of Duh...

If you get very little sleep for several weeks running,
... and work under extremely stressful conditions (like, oh, say, tenure review),
... and fail to take time for yourself to recharge,
... and hang out with germy people, like college students and toddlers, all day,

then chances are really good (like 100% good) that you will get really, really sick.

And if you're stupid enough to, oh, not take a day off to try and get better?

I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

(please excuse the radio silence while I try to get better.)

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Sometimes I think that it doesn't matter what we do or how well we treat ourselves: our classrooms are cesspools of germs. Don't even get me started on how I'm making the germ-sharing situation worse by incorporating so much group work during lectures...

Hope you're feeling better soon.

If you don't take a day off, you feel miserable at work and spread infection further?

I hope you are better soon. It sucks to be sick in the middle of the semester!