From Randy Olson: Turtle Tactics: From Stephanie Colburtle to Entourage, How to Hit the Mainstream (Likeably)

So as my Governor was saying, environmental "messaging" (such a foul term) needs to be less nagging and scolding. And Conservation International and friends have nailed it exactly, not just by putting together a very CREATIVE (a good quality to pursue) and fun idea with their Great Turtle Race, but then managing to score huge follow-through on Wednesday when Stephen Colbert opined hilariously on his show about the turtle named after him. That is the way to do it. One major mass media score like that is equal to five thousand well intentioned brochures left on the floor at environmental conferences (sorry).

Now, next step--get Turtle on the HBO show "Entourage" to bet Vince's money on one of the turtles in an episode.

Could we get Turtle to bet on a turtle?

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