Jellyfish Burgers Are the Future: Jellyfish Cookies and Jellyfish Mucus Are the Here and Now

Not to overdo the jellyfish theme but... Jellyfish may have gained their Independence this July 4 with a new discovery that can turn their gelatinous bodies into something for cosmetics, food, and drugs. Yes, Science magazine ran an article this week, Making the Best of a Slimy Catch (echos of Jeremy Jackson's "Rise of Slime"), detailing potential new uses for jellyfish.

200770231.jpgEfforts to find a use for them have so far resulted in a baking powder for cookies and crunchy snacks made of dried and salted pieces of jellyfish. But there may be another destination for their slimy bodies. Researchers have found the creatures easily yield oodles of a potentially valuable kind of mucin, proteins that are a main ingredient of saliva and mucus.

There is no better word with which to end a blog post about jellyfish than 'mucus'.

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Snot right (to end with mucus).

By Peter Havering (not verified) on 05 Jul 2007 #permalink