From Randy Olson: Al Gore Understands What Ocean Conservationists Didn't

In November, 2002 I gave a talk at a biodiversity workshop at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. In the audience was at least one ocean conservation patron worth hundreds of millions of dollars. I said in my talk, "invigorating a mass movement to save the oceans is simple--just give me $5 million to make a television commercial which we can air during the next Super Bowl."

The crowd laughed and at dinner that night the patron, when asked what he thought of my concept, replied that he thought it was "cute." And that's been about the extent of the understanding of such an idea over the past five years as the Pew Oceans Commission produced it's $3 million study which it promoted with a budget of less than $100,000, and then couldn't understand why it didn't change
America's ocean awareness overnight.

And now...the one guy who apparently really gets this mass motivation stuff (he has an Oscar to show for it) is planning to spend $100 million on MASS MEDIA about the seriousness of global warming. You go, Gore. Hopefully his thinking will eventually spill over to the stuck-in-the-mud ocean conservation world.

Al Gore: He knows how to get a response

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