Santa Nailed to a Cross

2004088208.jpgIn the true spirit of Christmas, a man in Bremerton, Washington nailed Santa to a cross in his front yard. Horrible? Gruesome? Repulsive? Art Conrad says his crucified Santa is an artistic piece condemning the commercialization of Christmas. His neighbors are more disturbed, though, by the headless carol-singing Santa on Conrad's front porch...


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As an atheist, I think Christmas is all about getting together with your family, eating some good food, and exchanging gifts. Does anyone seriously think about its religious meaning anymore?

Certainly every nativity scene and almost every Christmas carol sung, every church sermon tomorrow, every Midnight Mass tonight, everyone watching It's A Wonderful Life, and every angel on Christmas treetops would allow even the worst investigator to conclude that, in addition to the consumption and the family togetherness, there was indeed religious symbolism and meaning (whether it trumps presents, though, is still under inquiry).

JJ -- there are two Christmases nowadays. There is the Christian holiday, and then there is American Consumer Christmas, an entirely secular holiday. Some people gleefully conflate the two, but there really isn't much need to.


I'm not sure what the difference is if it's Santa hanging there or some guy scantily dressed with long hair? It's actually stupid and repulsive at any rate.

By Lee Zehrer (not verified) on 25 Dec 2007 #permalink

Since when does everyone's opinion count? Why not let everyone celebrate Christmas the want they want to as opposed to the way you think they should? If people want to commercialize it, then so what?

As an atheist, I find Christmas pretty safe since it has become completely commercialized.

That said, I would not celebrate it if my family didn't expect it.

I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.