Reviews of Expelled

We didn't have time to review the film "Expelled" here at Shifting Baselines but here are a handful of reviews by a handful of interesting characters:

Is I.D. Ready for Its Close-up? by Peter Manseau, Editor of Science & Spirit

Hearts and Minds by Chris Mooney, science writer and Intersection blogger

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed--Ben Stein Launches a Science-free Attack on Darwin by Michael Shermer, Skeptic Society and Scientific American contributor

Resentment Over Darwin Evolves into a Documentary by Jeanette Catsoulis for The New York Times

And finally, from Fox News, a review of Mariah Carey's New Album: A First Review.

Oops. How did that get in there?

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How stupid can they get? First it's discovered that the makers of the stupid propaganda movie were stealing some of their cell animations from XVIVO, and now it is revealed that other segments were ripped off from PBS. It's as if there isn't a single bit of creativity in the whole movie — they can…
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This review was very good. Thanks for the link.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed--Ben Stein Launches a Science-free Attack on Darwin by Michael Shermer, Skeptic Society and Scientific American contributor