Dolphin Stampede

Check out this video shot in the Sea of Cortez a friend from the Surfrider Foundation sent along. It is a great reminder of the magnificent life that still exists in the ocean. But can you imagine what it was like 200 years ago?


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Imagining what the ocean was like 200 years back is one of my main motivators for being active on marine issues. It's my favorite movie, the one I play in my head when standing on any given beach anywhere.


Ditto to that, Erik.

I think we all have that movie going, if we consider ourselves environmentalists - whether it's the oceans, or the forests and prairies, whatever. It's the desire to see nature's greatness again, as it used to be, and still should be.

The problem is that now we are lucky to save just these little postage stamp preserves. Even in the oceans, if we are able to save them at all, will be limited to preserve areas. For now, I guess that's the best we can do. Until we get our priorities straight.

I saw a stampede like that on a whale-watching cruise near Anacapa Island in the 1980s. Glad to see there are still some big pods out there.

This is the first time I have seen this video. I think it should be posted in as many places as possible so people realize what is at risk...Thanks for sharing.

I think we all have that movie going, if we consider ourselves environmentalists - whether it's the oceans, or the forests and prairies, whatever. It's the desire to see