Weekend Diversion: The Performing Arts

Music. Dance. Theatre. Take your pick, ranging from something classical like the symphony or the ballet to something modern like musical theatre or fusion dance, there's a world of sights and sounds for you to enjoy.

For an example of a new twist on an old favorite, have a listen to Yo-Yo Ma (on cello) and Bobby McFerrin (on vocals) perform The Flight of the Bumblebee:

Flight of the Bumblebee,
As you prepare to enjoy this new world, you may ask yourself, "What qualifies as proper behavior in this new venue?" I have put together a passive-aggressive set of (in)frequently asked questions about Performing Arts Etiquette.

1.) Can I bring my baby? No, there are no children under three allowed, pretty much across the board.

2.) But my child is well-behaved, and really enjoys this type of thing. If your child breathes so much as one audible breath, I will beckon the usher and have you removed. There are rules against this sort of thing so that everyone can enjoy the performance. Find a babysitter, or stay home.

3.) That performer just did something great! How should I let them know? Wait. Wait for an appropriate break.

4.) What's an appropriate break for applause? At the very least, at the end of the movement/scene. (If you go to the symphony, it's technically proper etiquette to not clap until the entire piece is over.) Regardless, never interrupt the middle of a performance.

5.) But that was really good, and I want to let them know now! And I want to watch and hear the performance, not your laudations. So wait.

6.) Okay, well, how do I dress? While formal is always a good call, simply wearing nice clean clothes that fit you well is perfectly fine. Just try not to overpower the theatre with your Drakkar Noir.

7.) I have something witty to say during the performance! Good for you! Now, keep it to yourself. Either whisper it so that only the one person you intend it for can hear it (and you can limit the number of peoples' good times that you ruin to one), or save it until an appropriate break.

8.) I have something obnoxious that I want to do that you haven't covered here! Of course you do. You probably don't even realize it's obnoxious. Here's the deal. 97% of the people who come to these things come to see the show, just the show, and nothing but the show. So do right by all of them.

You are not the show. Anything that you can do that would cause your neighbor to pay attention to you instead of the show is out, and is bad behavior. No noise, no lights, no sudden movements, etc. You know that cacophony of coughing you hear between movements at the symphony? That's a bunch of people fighting to hold it in during the performance. Show everyone the same courtesy, and maybe you'll get to enjoy something rare, beautiful, and inspirational. Something like this:

So have a great weekend, and thanks for both supporting the arts and letting me rant!

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I think that when an art is truly alive, an essential part of it's culture, the audience is a living part of the show. I guess our era's public arts are the film show and the rock concert - in both, the crowd is alive (in film, less and less, but that's another story). Maybe in 200 years, it will be rude to cheer aor to sing along with a Green Day song played live by professional musicians :-)

By AutoFocus (not verified) on 18 Oct 2009 #permalink

Hear! Hear!

Of course, I haven't been to any performances since I shouted at a group of picnicers during an open air opera recital ...

Is someone having a bad day?

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 18 Oct 2009 #permalink

Good rant and Ma and McFerrin buzzed blissfully.


By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 18 Oct 2009 #permalink

hahahaha - sounds like you went to the same Carmen performance I went to last month! ok, no toddlers, but definitely loads of antsy kids. and I'm sorry, but why can't we demand the audience wear suits to the Opera? A coat. At least wear a coat! A friggin blazer! I don't care how many spangles your fancy t-shirt has - it's still a t-shirt!

@Naked_Bunny_With_A_Whip_Up_Its: Assuming that you are easily offended, I'll try to be polite: relax, babe! Un-knot them knickers!

By blueshifter (not verified) on 18 Oct 2009 #permalink

Audience silence is indeed the best way to show respect for the performer but there are always exceptions to the rule, such as the rock concerts mentioned by AutoFocus at #2. Another example: bellydancers thrive on audience participation. While I am still very much a student, I have danced enough to know that a silent audience feels akin to failure. Immediate feedback is essential. If I do a complicated move or a fancy spin, I want the applause so I know the audience is paying attention and noticed what I did. Even when pros such as the Bellydance Superstars tour, they encourage the audience to clap and zaghareet.

As to the video, I don't know if I'm more ashamed or amused to admit that when she first drew the planes I thought they were UFOs :)

Regarding #4, most conductors say the appropriate time to applaud is whenever the audience is moved to do so.

Not after reading a self-absorbed, stomach-turning rant like that.

If that's the case, then all serious attendees of the performing arts are self-absorbed and stomach-churning in their annoyance with rude and obnoxious co-attendees.

And anyway if you think that's bad, I can't even stand it when people cough during the breaks in performance. Like Ethan, I don't attend classical music performances to listen to my fellow attendees lung functions.

Generalizations are bad and this is a big one.

Is it so hard to understand that you don't behave (or dress) the same at a rock concert, a jazz performance, an opera house, a flamenco tavern, or a fado house? Just to name a few. What's adequate etiquette in one ambiance brands you as a jerk or a noob elsewhere.

Better than sweeping one size fits all recipes that the author favours is the old wise "donde fuere, haz lo que viere", that is, adapt your behaviour to the customs of the site you're in.

You should go out more and to more diverse places. You'll probably see that others find obnoxious you finding some things obnoxious...

By El Guerrero de… (not verified) on 20 Oct 2009 #permalink