Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon. -Oscar Wilde
Yesterday was the spring equinox for the Northern Hemisphere, and my city was lucky enough to have a glorious day, clear skies, warm weather, and I spent most of the day outside. I had the type of day that Dan Tyminski pines for in this song, Some Early Morning.

During the months April through August, the northern hemisphere gets long days and lots of sunlight, while the South Pole gets nothing but freezing darkness. On the other hand, from October through February, the southern hemisphere gets the long days, while the North Pole never sees the Sun.
But our equinoxes -- and we only get two per year -- are very, very special. The Sun illuminates all parts of the Earth equally on these days.

These are the only days of the year where everywhere on Earth has a chance at Sunlight. Moreover, on the equinoxes, everybody gets twelve hours of Sun (well, they would if the skies were clear) and twelve hours of night. Everyone. North Pole, South Pole, Equator, and everywhere in between. Starting today and all the days after for the next six months, someone at the South Pole will never see the Sun. Just like for the prior six months, Santa Claus (and everyone else at the North Pole) never saw the Sun.

The spring equinox was not only our switch, it was one of two days a year where everyone got the same amount of daylight. That's even where the word equinox comes from: equi = equal + nox = night. So I hope you enjoyed it, and to those of you in the northern hemisphere with me, we've got six months where things should only get better!
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Congrats! You've been Mabussed.
Just listened to the 365 Days of Astronomy for the 20th going over the same deal.
And yesterday was also our new year because of the exact same reason!
Surely you mean 3 months where things should only get better? After the summer solstice the days get shorter and that, to me, is definitely things getting worse. It's after the winter solstice that things get better for 6 months.
The poles get 24 hours with the sun on the horizon.
It is the intelligence behind all the rules of the nature which attract my attention and invite me to think about.
This means at certain times of the year, the Northern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun, while 6 months later when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun.
Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon.
This means at certain times of the year, the Northern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun, while 6 months later when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun.
Starting today and all the days after for the next six months, someone at the South Pole will never see the Sun.
The comments are sure to please those outside Washington who see lobbyists as the source of Washington's problems and sure to raise the hackles of Washington's approximately 14,000 lobbyists.
Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon.
This means at certain times of the year, the Northern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun
I love summer and the sun wish it lasted a little longer in this area before i know it we are back to the dark days!
The film follows two people, Servando and Cleofé, as they describe their lives, land, protest, how they are perceived, and question the purpose of environmentally and socially destructive âdevelopmentâ.Credit Loans
How touchy are the devotees of fantasy lit, how quick to assume that they and their joy have been disrespected. One such is Daniel Crandall who has taken exception to a piece that I wrote about Avatar for the forthcoming number of the New Atlantis and that has already been posted on the magazine
At the start of 2010, Haiti was devastated by two crushing earthquakes; and the country is still struggling to find reformation beyond the rubble and mass graves. In response, Ctrl.Alt.Shift held a Haiti rave at the Den Club in Londonâs Holborn on January 20, featuring the likes of Tinie Tempah, Boy Better Know, The Thirst (and many MANY more), raising an astounding £10,000 for the good cause.
Throughout her history, many representatives of the Church have erred gravely; a common saying purports that the road to Hell is paved with bishops' skulls.
The comments she made â which Iâd always thought were pointless â now gave me a sense of companionship in contrast to the horrible loneliness I felt when facing the head crabs without her beside me. I realised then just how good a character Alyx was.
I love science. So many young people don't even know what an Equinox is. Thanks for the post.
Starting today and all the days after for the next six months, someone at the South Pole will never see the Sun.
This site is for the birds! I post, then never see my comment or it takes 10 minutes for it to appear
One such is Daniel Crandall who has taken exception to a piece that I wrote about Avatar for the forthcoming number of the New Atlantis and that has already burun estetiÄi been posted on the magazine
I work outdoors and i love the summertime because i can work until 9pm and the sun is still shining. During the winter time, the flashlights come out at 4pm. Major bummer.
Don't think I could handle such extreme time changes like that Jason. Can barely handle daylight savings in the winter with the sun setting sooo early.
A Trumbull boy was pronounced dead several hours after he was found in a Bridgeport pond, and not long after he was reported missing, 1010 WINSâ Al Jones reported.
It's quite conceivable that there is a large number of men sitting around the end of the open (ventilation) pipe, waiting and wondering why we are taking our time to get to them," he said.
I almost forget everything about geography since I left middle school...LOL. Anyway, thanks for putting this up, really learn something from it.
whats the weekend without a little sun huh? A for summer is what we could all use,
This means at certain times of the year, the Northern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun, while 6 months later when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere is more directly facing the Sun.
Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon. It is the intelligence behind all the rules of the nature which attract my attention and invite me to think about.
Our whole world is incredibly beautiful!
The corporations should stop to destroy it through their behaviour!
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What I find odd is that during winter, Earth is closer to the sun than during summer. It's the affect of the axis tilt that causes more sunlight to hit the Earth in the summer that counts. Annuities
Whitout sun we will al gonna die lol.. Im joking. The bible sad a diferent story, another joke, anyway i will add this site to my favorite ...
I particulary appreciated the Oscar Wilde quote. It's a very good one. Beauty doesn't need explanation. What wonderful words.
the picture is wrong. the axis of the earth is not perpendicular to the suns rays contact.
It is if it's one of the two equinoxes, dan.