Weekend Diversion: The Amazing Dance of Dark Matters

"Doubt requires more courage than conviction does, and more energy; because conviction is a resting place and doubt is infinite; it is a passionate exercise. We've got to learn to live with a full measure of uncertainty. There is no last word. That's the silence under the chatter of our time." -John Patrick Shanley

Normally, each weekend I bring you a song and something I find informative, entertaining, or otherwise outstanding. This weekend, however, is a little different, because I got to see something last night that I want to share with you.

Have a look at Kidd Pivot, the Canadian dance company (in residence in Frankfurt), performing what I would call their masterwork, Dark Matters.

Just as great scientists, doctors, teachers, and intellectual, creative minds of all types come in both genders, so do artistic directors. Creator, choreographer and artistic director of Kidd Pivot, Crystal Pite, has put together something phenomenal here.


(Image credit: Shin Sugiro / Hour Magazine.)

A sextet of amazing dancers, telling a variety of shadowy stories about connections, broken, formed, intertwined, variously illuminated and shadowed, formed a remarkably entertaining show that was a joy to watch. If you're at all a fan of innovative dance, movement or the creative arts in general, I highly recommend that you check this out. I had never seen marionette theatre fused with dance like this before, and I feel all the richer for it.

"Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness. That is, in the puppet or in the God." -Heinrich von Kleist

A big, big positive recommendation for Kidd Pivot and Dark Matters, and for the amazing stories that we can tell simply through movement.

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Thanks for this -- it really does look spellbinding. If only Kidd Pivot would bring Dark Matters to SoCal...