I'm #11...

Of the Green blogs in the UK. Hmm, am I green? Maybe... Sadly since I'm not in the top 10 I don't get listed on the main page only in the see-also bit.


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Dont take this too seriously, but, maybe if you cna only say "Maybe" in answer to the question "Am I green", then you probably dont deserve to be in the top 10, or on the front page.

James, speaking as someone who (I'm pretty sure) feels William's pain on this point, "maybe" is the perfect answer. Recall the words of the sage Kermit...

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 23 Nov 2006 #permalink

Good for them that they missed you in the top ten. Including into top ten of a person who is just starting to realize that the whole environmentalism is a gigantic fraud could be quite explosive for the ecoterrorist movement.

I agree with guthrie: look at him or her to see how a real green person should look like. A real green person should attack people on the street if their face is not sufficiently green, too. ;-)

Wacki: RealClimate and Gristmill and not UK sources. RC is dominated by Americans and Gristmill is in Seattle. Surprise, isn't it? The list that William referred to was just a list of green whacko websites in London and a few villages around which are together called the United Kingdom. ;-)

"Good for them that they missed you in the top ten. Including into top ten of a person who is just starting to realize that the whole environmentalism is a gigantic fraud could be quite explosive for the ecoterrorist movement."

Lubos, the biggest ecoterrorists are the fossil fuel companies and their sympathisers in governments. They are those who inflict the most amount of terror on this planet, not a bunch of tree-huggers.

By Stephen Berg (not verified) on 25 Nov 2006 #permalink

I thought it was miners that usually caused more damage per square kilometre? (This is backed by no empiricial evidence, just a thought of mine)

Perhaps William could write a post on how he considers himself green or not green?