When I were a lad

Thanks to Hank.


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we need to make the political personal Hank Paulson, US Secretary for the Treasury, wants a "clean" bill to bailout the investment banks. $700 billion, he disposes, no review or oversight. Now, there is an argument that the bailout will lead to a probable profit for the taxpayer in the long run.…
A Delayed Review of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate by Naomi Klein By Peter Dorman (Evergreen State College); h/t Hank. I agreed with it all, so largely skimmed it nodding. I haven't read the book though, obvs. Hank sourced it to Understanding Climate Radicalism on metafilter,…
Thanks, Hank Fox. Now I've been damned, officially.
Thanks to Hank for http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/wikipedian_protester.png (in the comments off where you'll never see it). Its a fun site though. I liked regexp; random; godwin and this. And lots of others... fun to browse.