Stoats and Weasels

Following JFs example, I've created a rather more useful comparison: see i-b1850cbdafb723c0cb0e49c5753fd157-google-trends-stoat-weasel.png. Proof that weasels are more popular than stoats. Isn't technology wonderful?


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It's understandable really: somehow "let's pin a tail on it and call it a stoat" doesn't sound the same.

By Mark Hadfield (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

Yeah... that's because 'stoat' is a peculiar British-ism. We don't have stoats in North America: we have weasels, no matter what their taxonomic status. (I didn't even learn the meaning of 'stoat' until I was in my teens.)

Maybe while you're at it, you can calculate the relative citation frequency of people named 'Randy' in the UK and N.Am.!

Dear Dano, a small problem with your query is that I am the Google's #1 Lubos and #2 Motl, while you are very far from being Google's Dano. Best, LM

I've deliberately skewed my query, Lubos, and I won't give you the data to audit, because I have an agenda to present Dano in a hockey-stick shape and to show the permafrost isn't melting despite your popularity.
