Spot the ermine

At Flickr. And I've been to Hathersage (which is rather a long way from Dinas Cromlech).


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You may have noticed that the images in my left sidebar have recently been depopulated -- awards that my blog has won throughout the years, blogroll icons and even books that I've contributed to .. what is going on? It seems that Flickr is cracking down on miscreants like me who (1) use their site…
tags: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia, cities Sunset over the Baltic Sea. Photographed in Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia. Image: GrrlScientist, 22 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) This is a look at the sun as it sets over the Baltic Sea. I was ensconced in front of a window under a stairway (since…
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murrmann_nolawounds_320.jpg Originally uploaded by icki. This is a photo from an Ann Arbor blogger, known to the world as Icki, who has been in New Orleans lately. This is from his Flickr collection; click on the photo to go to his Flickr page. His blog is called Down on the Street. It is one…

hey, unrelated but since you're at BAS maybe you can get to the truth behind this --- the right-wing blogosphere and US media is reporting that Al Gore planned a rock concert in Antarctica in July, but when contacting BAS was told that it's mid-winter and a bad time to make the attempt (example URL below).

It all sounds a bit phony/urban-legend/snopes-ish but is being reported repeatedly as fact (and as proof that "Gore is so dumb about science for now knowing it's winter in Antarctica, we can't believe him on global warming etc etc")…

By Carl Christensen (not verified) on 13 Jun 2007 #permalink


What must surely be the coolest gig in this summer's Live Earth concerts takes place at the British Antarctic Survey's (BAS) Rothera Research Station. On 7 July the science team's indie-rock house band, Nunatak* will debut in the global event that features over 100 of the world's top musical acts. Concerts from all 7 continents will raise awareness of climate change world-wide.

Darkness and freezing temperatures isolate the Antarctic continent during the Southern Hemisphere winter so the only people who can actually go to the Antarctic concert will be Nunatak's 17 over-wintering colleagues. But an astounding 2 billion people worldwide will get to enjoy the 5-piece combo through broadcasts on TV, film, radio and the internet.