Do you realise that bufapopo doesn't get a single google hit? Its outrageous. Badger would be appalled.

[Seems pretty clear that youre not going to get it, so I'll have to tell you. Read on...]

[Yes, the answer is "bearing an unsympathetic facial aspect in the presence of a police officer"; catch-all crime used by Chief Constable Badger Courage of If... fame. I'm ashamed of you all -W]


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Someone :-) will post the definition to Wikipedia, I trust.

As I understand it, the word means "self-negating observation."

Kind of like what happens when a boojum looks in a mirror.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 13 Apr 2008 #permalink

Isn't Bufapopo the genus designation of the Harlequin Toad?

Well, that's what I get for trying to make a lame taxonomy joke on a science blog. (I was going for a bad pun on the italian buffo and Popo the Clown.) There really are harlequin toads.

Next time I'll google before hitting Post.

Hey, wasn't I right? Just by happenstance, I admit, but isn't making faces at an arresting officer a sure way to lose face fast?

[Perhaps a bit too cryptic to count -W]

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink