Large and Rapid Melt-Induced Velocity Changes in the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet?

Its a paper in Science, by R. S. W. van de Wal et al. I've only read the abstract, by I was rather struck by how easy it is to misinterpret the title, given that the abstract continues ...Over a longer period of 17 years, annual ice velocities have decreased slightly, which suggests that the englacial hydraulic system adjusts constantly to the variable meltwater input, which results in a more or less constant ice flux over the years. So much for the rapidly sliding Greenland...

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So says Howat et al. in Science (why hasn't this made it into the blogosphere before? Or did I miss it?). Interestingly, though the most recent change is a decrease: Using satellite-derived surface elevation and velocity data, we find major short-term variations in recent ice discharge and mass-…
The AR5 draft is now available from W00t! In the style we've come to love so much from the IPCC it sayeth: The final draft Report, dated 7 June 2013, of the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report "Climate Change 2013…
A few days ago a team of climate scientists (Catherine Ritz, Tamsin Edwards, Gaël Durand, Antony Payne, Vincent Peyaud, and Richard Hindmarsh) published a study of “Potential sea-level rise from Antarctic ice-sheet instability constrained by observations.” The study asked how much Antarctic ice…

There is a thoughtful criticism of the paper down in the comments o9f the dotEarth thread devoted to this paper.

[dotearth does terrible things to my poor old laptop. I'll have to wait till I get a spare moment at work -W]

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 05 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hi David,

I believe I found what you were refering to.

In response to A Tempered View of Greenland's Gushing Drainpipes
By Andrew C. Revkin
July 3, 2008, 2:31 pm

... Scott Wahlstrom explains the methods that were used then says, in part:

First of all, the measurements were made on a transect that was oriented East-West at a latitude of 67 deg. N on the East coast of Greenland. This region has been identified by three seperated bodies of measurement as being roughly in mass balance (no net melting or ice accumulation). The 2006 reports of acceleration of ice mass loss have been located on the West coast of Greenland, and thus the measurements made by these authors (that average ice velocities have declined slightly) do not represent a contradiciton to the overall state of an increase in the rate of mass loss on the Greenland ice cap. The authors may have had a good reason for measuring here as opposed to West Greenland.

94.July 5th,2008, 8:59 am

By Timothy Chase (not verified) on 06 Jul 2008 #permalink

Timothy Chase --- Yes, thanks.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 07 Jul 2008 #permalink