Just been playing with and it was good fun so I'm letting you all know. Daniel found it.


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I don't watch Private Practice. I didn't like Grey's Anatomy, which, every time I caught part of it, struck me as the cheesiest sort of medical soap opera, a General Hospital transplanted to prime time. Given that Private Practice is a spinoff of Grey's Anatomy, I never saw any reason whatsoever to…
...but you make it so damn hard. MTV has been incessantly airing their latest movie award travesty all week, and I've caught a couple of segments while channel surfing. Another year, another boring awards ceremony. Even Sarah Silverman's jabs at Hollywood couldn't make up for the mediocrity. I have…
Nature has started a new blog, So far so good, I wish them well, and it will be interesting to see how it goes on. The fun aspect of all this is the fight for readers and commentors; a blog with no comments is hardly a blog at all. RP Jr has a post up that…

I'm guessing this is linked to Phun in some way. Simpler maybe - but Line Rider is still a good waste of time.

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