Escape strategy?

Make of it what you will.

A flea and a fly in a flue

Were trapped so what could they do?

"Let us flee" said the fly

"Let us fly" said the flea

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


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A saw in the sea set the scene
No more lost set of tools has there been
"Can't they see" asked the saw
"Did they saw" asked the sea
But the scene's salty-rust was all that was seen.

A pea and a pie set for Pooh
To be eaten 'twas sure to be true
"Let us pee" said the pie
"Half or two pi?" asked the pea
So they peed on the paw of poor Pooh

[definitely not as good as the original]

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Are clever computational glue
"Let us try" said the tree
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Until their trace exited true