Well, I need to do a Happy Christmas posting (and here it is, folks!) so this message from wonkroom seems rather festive:
New psychological research finds that dire messages about the threat of global warming will strengthen people's acceptance of climate science when combined with solutions, which is the approach taken by leading climate activists. For some people, their response to dire messages is strongly dependent on whether hope is offered.
(ht: Chairman Brian).
Which means, I need to present you with The Solution. And that is clearly, dress up as Father Christmas and go rowing:
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sci.env: 1997
1997? Were there really such years?
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Where are the reindeer?
Where are the reindeer? Off nibbling on flying mushrooms according to the news. And a Happy and Prosperous New Year to David B. Benson, who contributed to the early development of my odd ideas.
(to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town")
He's taking a stroke
Feathers it right
Gotta find out who's pulling their weight
Santa Claus is rowing the Cam
[Oh no, poetry of the worse sort. Our boat, of course, is poetry in motion -W]
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Found Haikus
Global temperatures
rose steadily in the 1920s,
1930s, and early 1940s.
It will always gives
some the impression that there
is something to hide.
"Our boat, of course, is poetry in motion -W"
A pair? Seriously?
OK, OK, Santa Claus has magic.
[I meant our VIII, which is going quite well at the moment. I've never been out in a pair, and am not likely to in the near future. Sculling perhaps -W]