Who was that masked man?


Scenes from a ski-ing holiday to Les Deux alpes a few years back. This is La Roche de la Muzelle, which I think is gorgeous. Maybe I'll get to climb it one day. Summitpost says it is PD / II (though not in winter) and the route to it goes over that beautiful roman bridge.

dscn4258-self dscn4264-our-hero

These are the reasons I was digging around in old pix: at the after rowing curry Andy said he could find a pic of me with pony tail on my wiki page, but it has gone. And I said, aha, but I have far better than that. Note that the beret is a Pyrennean one.

dscn4297-path dscn4300-small-purple-flowers dscn4301-grey-trees

And in a token bit of climate don't miss The good Baron taking the piss out of... well, can you guess who? Other stuff: Boundary run half marathon and Norwich head.

And also: M pointed this out before christmas, and I've kept it in a tab ever since, but I think it is time to confess that it isn't getting its own post: some guy called Claes Johnson wondering rather plaintively Why are Skeptics Skeptical to Other Skeptics? Well, old fruit, there are two rather obvious answers: (a) they are all chasing the same pot of fame and moment-in-the-limelight, so they need to tread on each others heads to climb upwards - it isn't as if they are actually building a scientific edifice; and (b) somewhat related to that last point, the only thing the septics agree on is that they hate Al Gore and climate science; that whether the earth is warming, or not, a little, or a lot, whether it might be good, or bad, they all agree that we should do nothing about it; and that is the only thing they agree on.

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Maybe the Koch brothers are paying them all; every one.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 27 Feb 2011 #permalink

Jealous! A friend wants to get on top of this and I think it's a possible climb even for me, but looks not to be happening next summer.

It's not the beard, it's the 'tache that I find disturbing.

Speaking of masked men, Anonymous are apparently atacking Koch in response to the Wisconsin debacle over labour rights.

Yep, war has been declared. OpWisconsin:


The Koch brothers have made a science of fabricating 'grassroots' organizations and advertising campaigns to support them inan attempt to sway voters based on their falsehoods. Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and Citizens United are justa few of these organizations. [...] For these reasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-lovingindividuals everywhere. As such, we have no choice but to spread the word of the Koch brothers' political manipulation, their single-minded intent and the insidious truth of their actions in Wisconsin, for all to witness.


It's getting a bit William Gibson.

Jealous of your spring on the British Isles! We're still under snow mountains here (some literal).

Nice to see some pictures that don't try to be super fancy, this style gives a feeling as if I was there myself. I wouldn't mind more. They give a positive air to the blog.

[I think I may have inadvertently deceived you. Those pix are all from 2003, and all from Les Deux Alpes, not (alas) around here -W]

By gravityloss (not verified) on 28 Feb 2011 #permalink

Beautiful mountain but one of many. I know the area well but only in the summer when it is a real adventure playground. I would say I had a 'best day ever' with one of my sons doing the via ferrata at Venosc. But do act with caution, it can cause addictions in the young :-)