Friday Free Association

After last week's rundown of my blog-sib's Friday Features, I felt I'd better get and line and find something to do every Friday. Jason at Xenogene made me aware of Unconscious Mutterings, so I decided that was as good as anything. Deal is this: UM publishes ten words on Sunday and bloggers respond with the first though that comes into their mind. This week's words are:

Give it a try (and feel free to post your answers/analysis in comments). My results are below the fold.

Ummm. Not sure what that all means (if anything). I'll try again next week.

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Video :: Toaster
Fantasy :: Science Fiction
Homework :: Play
Crush :: Movie Star
Late :: Show
Husband :: Pillow
Soccer :: Ball
Wine :: And Roses
Before :: After
Romantic :: Classical

By speedwell (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

* Video ::don't have
* Fantasy ::football
* Homework ::grading
* Crush ::cans
* Late ::show
* Husband ::wife
* Soccer ::football
* Wine ::wolfbass
* Before ::now
* Romantic ::comedy

* Video :: audio
* Fantasy :: island
* Homework :: chalk
* Crush :: debbie
* Late :: streetlamp
* Husband :: lawn
* Soccer :: france
* Wine :: france
* Before :: france
* Romantic :: france

Sweet jebeebbus, I'm French!

Video ::
Fantasy :: football
Homework :: marking
Crush :: velvet
Late :: lamented
Husband :: resources
Soccer :: American
Wine :: women and song
Before :: time
Romantic :: composer

Video :: Game
Fantasy :: Football
Homework :: Assignment
Crush :: Orange
Late :: Dead
Husband :: Wife
Soccer :: Ball
Wine :: Grapes
Before :: After
Romantic :: Dinner