Da Eagles

I wonder whether Rupert Murdock's head exploded after seeing this on Fox last night during the Eagles/Saints game. And where's that right-wing blog rage on this corruption of our children during primetime?

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I read one entry about it. Can't find it now but the writer was all pumped up with Janet Jackson tit fueld rage about having to be exposed to such vulgarities.

Are people so fragile that they can't handle seeing / hearing a word?


Someone in chicago needs to make a "Fuck 'Da Murdoch" shirt by next Sunday and get a ticket to Soldier Field.

Why has the FCC not issued them a gazillion dollars in fines for indecency? A "FUCK" is tons worse than a nipple slip.

Oh, oops -- Fox -- yeah, I see my mistake.

As a licensed amateur and general radiotelephone operators license I can tell you that the FCC frequently disappoints me.

I believe they should be bandwidth management only. Content should be up to the broadcasters.

First, if the random 'fuck' or what have you goes out it's not that offensive, at least to me. What is offensive to me is the FCC broadcast rules.

Put it this way - show a little T&A (Or D&A as the case might be.) and if people don't crucify the advertisers then so be it.

People forget that our televisions have had a little device built into them since 1996. It's called a v-chip and allows parents to program their televisions to block content based on pre-broadcast signals, or password protect certain channels. I've never run across anyone that has used that feature and when I mention it to them they're actually surprised.

But more than that, televisions have had two items for the entire time of their existence. A VFO (Ooops, that's a tuner in a television, and nowadays it's a varactor controlled by button pulses)and a power switch.

Not only that, we even have remote controls now so mom or dad could flip away from that errant utterance of the word 'fuck' or that slip of the nipple.

At the University of Nebraska, I was a freshman in a Modern Languages course taught by hard core Chomskyite. At the chalkboard, on the first day of class, he was trying to convince us of the power of words. The group was skeptical, bored...until he said "OK, you know, and I know, that there is one word in the English language, one word of four letters, that will get me in trouble if I just write it down here. Do you know what that word is?"

Now he had our attention.

He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote it about 6 inches high, and very slowly, in one corner.

When he finished, he turned back to us, smiled, and said "Now, who among us thinks that word's have no power?".

He had us from that day onward.

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