Today in Science

March 12th

1824 - Birth of Gustav Kirchhoff, German physicist

1838 - Birth of William Perkin, English chemist

1863 - Birth of Vladimir Vernadsky, Russian mineralogist

1907 - Birth of Dorrit Hoffleit, American astronomer

1925 - Birth of Leo Esaki, Japanese physicist, Nobel laureate

1991 - Death of Ragnar Granit, Finnish neuroscientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

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Births 1824 - Gustav Kirchhoff, German physicist 1835 - Simon Newcomb, American astronomer and mathematician 1838 - William Henry Perkin, English chemist 1863 - Vladimir Vernadsky, Russian mineralogist 1880 - Henry Drysdale Dakin, British-American biochemist 1881 - Gunnar Nordström, Finnish…
March 7th 1625 - Death of Johann Bayer, German astronomer 1788 - Birth of Antoine César Becquerel, French physicist 1792 - Birth of John Herschel, English mathematician and astronomer 1837 - Birth of Henry Draper, American physician and astronomer 1857 - Birth of Julius Wagner-Jauregg, Austrian…
February 27th 1899 - Birth of Charles Best, Canadian medical scientist 1904 - Birth of Yulii Borisovich Khariton, Russian physicist 1923 - Birth of David H. Hubel, Canadian neuroscientist, Nobel Prize laureate 1930 - Birth of Paul von Ragué Schleyer, American chemist 1936 - Death of Ivan Pavlov,…
Births 1844 - Harvey W. Wiley, American chemist 1847 - Galileo Ferraris, Italian physicist 1857 - Georges Gilles de la Tourette, French neurologist 1894 - Jean Rostand, French biologist 1895 - Gerhard Domagk, German bacteriologist and Nobel Prize laureate (declined) 1895 - Dickinson W. Richards,…


Readers may be interested to know that Dorrit Hoffleit, shown in your list as born this day in 1907, is still flourishing. This being so, she celebrates her 100th birthday today!

The American Association of Variable Star Observers has published a biography :


By Peter Hornby (not verified) on 12 Mar 2007 #permalink

Further to my previous comment, I'm sad to report that Dorrit Hoffleit passed away on April 9, 2007, at the age of 100, having celebrated her 100th birthday on March 12.


By Peyer Hornby (not verified) on 11 Apr 2007 #permalink