Last LOL, I promise (well, maybe)


I want this on a t-shirt, dammit.

HT to boing boing.


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That is great! I would wear that shirt.

I could set that up as a shirt at cafepress if you really want it. It'd be easy, although a higher-res version would look better.

I'd buy it if it showed a dead cat.

By (not verified) on 01 Jun 2007 #permalink

undergrad nerdlingers


no. a dead cat would not make a t-shirt funny or cool. NEDM

Maybe it would be funnier if the box was closed.

i never understood why this test of quantum physics had to involve the death of a small creature. Why couldn't they just flip a coin and put it in the box instead. Really gives credence to the idea that scientits must destroy to simply observe.

By nickblock (not verified) on 02 Jun 2007 #permalink