Cockburn on Climate Change (again)

Awhile back, Mark Hoofnagle took on what he termed "the lunatic ravings" of Alexander Cockburn in The Nation. In his piece, Mark noted that Cockburn wrote:

Not so long ago, [Martin] Hertzberg sent me some of his recent papers on the global warming hypothesis, a construct now accepted by many progressives as infallible as Papal dogma on matters of faith or doctrine. Among them was the graph described above so devastating to the hypothesis.

To which Mark replied:

Ah, papers! But wait. Where are these papers published? Where are the citations? Where is the peer review? How can we possibly analyze this ingenious disproof of the entirety of climate science without a citation?

Well. Now we know. In this article Cockburn spills the beans:

  • M. Hertzberg and J. B. Stott, "Greenhouse Warming of the Atmosphere", 25th International Symposium on Combustion, Irvine, CA (1994), Poster Session No. 5, Paper # 73, p459
  • M. Hertzberg, "The Facts and Fictions of Global Warming", talk presented at the ’Cafe Scientifique at the Summit’, Frisco, CO, Oct. 3, 2006

That’s it folks. A poster abstract and a popular talk given at a Cafe Scientifique. This is up there with the ID literature, so I’m guessing Cockburn will write a few columns on radical "dissidents against dogma" like Dembski, Wells & Nelson are being oppressed.

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By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink

Not only just a poster presentation, a 13 year old poster would expect an actual paper between then and now if the presentation held up...