Update from Damp Exeter

Well I made it safely to England and the ISHPSSB meeting. Yesterday evening was spent in the pleasant company of Precious Little Snowflake and others. Good fun and good beer was had by all. Today the conference proper starts and I'll be in two sessions on Evolutionary Developmental biology ("evodevo") and perhaps one on either iconoclastic biologists or multilevel selection. Tomorrow looks good with sessions on selection and homology. My own session (on teaching methods) isn't until Saturday afternoon, so I have plenty of wind-up time.

More anon ... if the damp and greyness doesn't depress me too much!

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Heh. If you're complaining after a couple of days, you don't even want to think what three months of it has been like

By Jonathan Vause (not verified) on 25 Jul 2007 #permalink

I can only imagine!

By John Lynch (not verified) on 27 Jul 2007 #permalink