ScienceOnline'09 - the Program


We now have 120 people registered for the conference - check them out. Then register.

And, we placed the first, tentative rough draft of the schedule on the Program page - go take a look.

Only 4-5 of the sessions are completely set in stone right now. For the others, names of session leaders may still change, some sessions may be replaced by others, etc. We are still working on it, talking with lots of potential session leaders.

The titles and descriptions are also provisional - as the session leaders think about it and start preparing, they will make the necessary changes.

Once more of the sessions are 'fixed' I will make a wiki page for each individual session for planning and discussions.

Thus, you can still chime in - suggest sessions (or changes to existing ones), discuss the sessions, volunteer to lead one, etc, on this page.

Also, if you want to do a demo of your website or software, you can add your name here


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