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Yesterday, I had a bit of fun while taking on a serious topic, namely yet another study that failed to find a link between mercury in vaccines and autism. Fortunately, though, I wasn't the only one. Oh, no, not by any means. Liz Ditz has done what she does best and provided a comprehensive linkfest…
Talking Points Memo's Paul Kiel writes about the Jim Ryun-Mark Foley obfuscation: Ah well, here's a new way of backing off a lie: "It's probably not the best way to say what he did." That's Jeffrey Black, Rep. Jim Ryun's (R-KS) campaign manager, ahem, clarifying an earlier remark by Ryun that he…
Did you ever wonder? And if you did wonder, did you Google it? And if you did google it, did you get the results shown above? And if you did, did you click "feedback" and do something like the following? No? Do so now, please. This is important. Why? Because we have been hearing rumors lately…
These are two of my sons, Judah and Zion. Adorable, no? Yeah, I think so too. And they are so sweet. Zion loves animals, he wants to know everything about them. And anything that begins with the letter Z 'My yetter!" Judah is one of the sweetest natured kids on the earth - if someone tries to take…

Im taken a lichen to ur posts

Yeah, your posts are really gneiss.

I mean, ur postz r rly gneiss. K Thnx bai.