Why Women Shouldn't Be Astronauts

An "old-fashioned point of view" from Wayne Johns of Texas:

Whatever happened to little girls playing with dolls and dreaming of becoming wives and mothers? Whatever happened to young men looking for a good Christian wife and finding a young woman still clinging to her doll? Me, old fashioned? I guess. Me, a male chauvinist pig? To answer that I would have to say, "Oink, oink, oink."

Zuska's going to have a field day!

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I think I just puked on my own shoes.

Anyone who works as hard as we females do to achieve the same goals, and do a much better job than males, deserves to be what they want to be! There are as hardworking female astronauts as male, and who gave anyone the right to say that only one sex can be blasted off into outer space, huh?