Guillermo Gonzalez's publication record ... not as impressive as the DI thinks it is

Over at Neurotopia the peer-less Evil Monkey has posted an excellent entry on Guillermo Gonzalez and how his productivity as a published scientist dropped off significantly when he began his tenure track at Iowa State and how - based on this alone - he would have probably had a rough time getting tenure.

EM provided a graph to back up his points; below is a prettified version (click for biggie). Feel free to use in any posts you might make on this issue.


The total height of any bar is the number of peer-reviewed publications Gonzalez had in a given year. Red indicates those for which he was first author, blue those for which he wasn't/

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Sexy. Thanks, ya wee lad!

By Evil Monkey (not verified) on 06 Dec 2007 #permalink

You sure purtied it up some. Now if only someone could explain what it means to the DI...

That could just shows what everyone knows...he did a lot of research, was respected, wrote Privileged Planet, got blacklisted and then couldn't get the research funds or publication b/c of the "gatekeepers".

Then, one just makes this the criteria, and viola!'re justified in a biased firing.

How about also making graphs of (a) publication outputs of fellow faculty at ISU and (b) how many times his articles are referenced, so you have full information instead of just a chart to fit your narrative.


You seem to be ignoring the five year drop in publication output before the appearance of PP and him getting "blacklisted". Gonzalez' first author papers while at Iowa State? Three. In any science faculty that will not get you tenure, no matter how many times the papers get cited. You are only as good as the last thing you've done, and since Gonzalez started suckling at the teat of the Discovery Institute he has ceased to be a productive scientist. To cap it all, the DI's whole crapola over the past year has damaged Gonzalez' reputation.

But why let facts get in the way of your narrative?

By John Lynch (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

thanks for the graph! I'm making a rebuttal film that is going to be shown at my local theater during screenings of Ben Stein's "Expelled". This is GOLD!

Please feel free to email me if you have more information!