A question


How in the name of all that is rational can a NBC/WSJ poll (taken 1/20 to 1/22) give Bush a 31% approval rating? The economy is circling the drain and Bush has achieved absolutely nothing over the past year. Seriously, name one thing of any worth he has achieved over the past year. Just one .... I’m waiting.

I’m willing to predict that his one achievement for 2008 in the next year will be to leave office, and then only if someone helps him open the door.


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That 30% is the same group that would approve a fascist state.
All the truly horrible regimes had a group of people backing them. Pol pot, etc, cant do it by themselves. They like W because he has shredded the constitution, invaded a defensless country and let (a specific) religion influence the government. They think he is doing great and should do it some more. They are scary folks!

30% of the people in this country are wackaloon crazy authoritarian followers who will believe *anything* their leaders tell them: "the economy is sound", "the middle-class are doing better than ever", "we're about to win in Iraq", "liberals are actually fascists", etc.

Major Achievements of the Bush Administrations in 2007
(A Comprehensive List)

1. The moon did not leave its orbit and crash into the earth.

Thanks Frank, you made my wife smile. No easy task, let me tell you.

Basically it could be announced that Bush is the anti-Christ, and that Armageddon will begin shortly, and these same 30% would be going, "well he's our president, so we have to support him".

Politicians in office are rarely responsible for the economic conditions that apply at that time.

You could make an argument that Bush's actions have led to this state - and I urge you to do so - but acting as though the President alone is responsible for the health of the economy is ridiculous.

You've asked before why our government is so shoddy, and part of that is that people vote for stupid reasons. One of those stupid reasons is blaming the people in charge for the economy.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 26 Jan 2008 #permalink

I'm willing to predict that his one achievement for 2008 will be to leave office ...

[Cough] If he gets impeached and removed, I'd call that Congress' achievement. Otherwise, he ain't scheduled to leave until 2009.

359 days, but who's counting?

Doh! Well, you get my point.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 26 Jan 2008 #permalink

As much as political junkies refuse to acknowledge it, a large part of the American electorate bases their approval/disapproval of a politician on subjective personal impressions rather than objective analysis of the politician's policies and performance. There are plenty of people, for example, who believe "Bush is a good Christian, so I approve of him."

For Bush in particular, there's something else going on. He has a bizarre ability, not generally seen in other politicians, to get people to project their own political beliefs onto him. The PIPA study released shortly before the 2004 election showed that Bush supporters, but not Kerry supporters, tended to believe that their candidate took positions that they supported, even when he didn't. The most blatant example involved the inclusion of labor and environmental protections in free-trade agreements. Something like 85% of Bush supporters favored such protections (not terribly different from Kerry supporters) but over half of them also believed that Bush favored them too (he actually opposed them).

Of worth to who? $3 gas is worth a lot to oil companies.

I think he has bent us over and sold us to his cronies in many ways, and they think its worth it.

Well, a recent Gallup poll (2005) showed that 41% of US residents believe in ESP, 37% in haunted houses, 32% in ghosts and 31% in telepathy. This seems to me to point to Bush's electorate and, indeed, makes me marvel at how low his numbers are. Think about it, less people think that Bush is a good president than that old Granny Jones is now dragging chains about in their attic!