K-Fed's call to cops: 'Britney's got a gun':
Our source said: "Jamie's new-found publicity enraged jealous Britney. And after calling Kevin that night she rang Jamie and told her, 'You're not going to be the only f***ing Spears on the front cover of a magazine next week!' and then hung up." Meanwhile Britney lost it when Kevin's lawyer Mark Kaplan showed up at the house and tried to talk her round.
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We've got 20 people signed up so far. I know more will come on board, so I'm looking forward to getting drowned in pure science in 4 weeks.
Heads up, Just Science 2008 is on. You can sign up to contribute now! Here are those who have signed on so far. The dates are February 4th-8th, 2008. More notifications soon!
M. Yglesias seems to be dissing Rihanna's "Umbrella." Well, I'll raise him "Pon de Replay"....
Ross Douthat introduces The Table: Atlantic Voices in Conversation. I dig the head bob! Very professional.
Greg Laden has a pretty thorough critique of Life history trade-offs explain the evolution of human pygmies.
Here is an article suggesting that Creationists should be scared of the accelerated human adaptation paper. At first, I would be skeptical, after all, this is microevolution, which Creationists ostensibly accept.1 But the reality is that anti-evolutionary thinking is pretty shallow, most Creationists barely know what they believe aside from the fact that they aren't "descended from monkeys," let alone the details of evolution (aside from canned talking points which they parrot with absolutely no understanding, e.g., "The second law of thermodynamics...."). I bring this up because a friend…
I'm not one of those people that thinks bloggers are all powerful but I know that blogs are often an effective way to expose bad behavior by some corporations. If I know this, you'd think everyone in the corporations would know it, too. I guess the word didn't get out to Best Buy:
Best Buy sent a cease and desist letter to blogger Scott Beale (Laughing Squid) for having had the audacity to blog news that prankster/comedy troupe Improv Everywhere selling t-shirts that were a parody of the Best Buy brand. Whether or not the parody is legally in the clear is one matter, but Best Buy…
This google news query should get you to popular press articles. I'll start putting links to blogs when more come in.
Blogs: One of the lead authors, John Hawks, promises lots of commentary this week. Greg Laden has some questions regarding the demographic assumptions. Steve Sailer with a round-up and Linda Seebach offers the bigger picture. p-ter offers some pointed criticisms. John Hawks does some rapid response. Eric Wang and Henry Harpending offer specific comments. John Hawks' summary for lay people (long). Shoshin goes over the theory too. Popgen Ramblings says simulation is…
I noticed that Laelaps liked The Golden Compass movie, and is defending it from negative ratings over at Rotten Tomatoes. I went and saw it yesterday, and read the trilogy about seven years ago. Like most movies the plot and character development really pales in comparison to the more detailed exposition which text allows. But, I would have to say that in the case of this film the nature of characters actually were less distorted by translation to screenplay than the plot, which seemed a confused mishmash which stretched plausibility in several places. Of course I have the point of…