
My fifth blogoversary is coming on 4 August 2009 (FIVE YEARS of continuous blog writing!), and I'd like to celebrate with all of you. I'd like to meet my readers and all those who write for ScienceBlogs and for Nature Networks who are in NYC for a party. We will meet this Saturday at 10am at the front door to the AMNH (I might be able to arrange tix for my readers if I know how many people will be coming), and then will go out for food and drinks at a nearby pub (precise pub to be determined and will be announced) at 6pm. I am also planning to go to see the 6pm IMAX showing of the Harry…
My fifth blogoversary is coming on 4 August 2009 (FIVE YEARS of continuous blog writing!), and I'd like to celebrate with all of you. I'd like to meet my readers and all those who write for ScienceBlogs and for Nature Networks who are in NYC for a party this weekend, preferably on either Friday or Saturday evening for a drink- and food-fest. If you cannot comment here, please email me at so we can arrange something fun in the Big Apple. (Of course, I am happy to meet you on other days as well, if this works out) If you ask nicely, I will get us in to the AMNH to…
My fifth blogoversary is coming on 4 August 2009 (FIVE years of blog writing!), and I'd like to celebrate with all of you. I have no idea if the ScienceBlogs site is so completely borked that I cannot post anything new (STILL!!!), nor if you can comment, but I'd like to meet my readers and those who write for ScienceBlogs and for Nature Networks who are in NYC for a party next weekend, preferably on either Friday or Saturday evening for a drink- and food-fest. If you cannot comment here, please email me at so we can arrange something fun in the Big Apple. If you…
Four years ago today, I was facing impending unemployment and an uncertain future along with the loss of my precious career .. basically, I was losing everything I loved and had worked so hard for so I started publishing this blog. I thought writing for the public would help me get out of bed in the mornings despite all the crushing disappointments I suffered, that it would help me remain engaged with the world of science, and that it might also help me build a social network -- yet another of the many sacrifices I'd made in my single-minded pursuit of my career. I started publishing my blog…